Our journey on the transformation path includes realization that organizations need effective methods to address denial and resistance on the part of leaders and associates. We've researched and applied coaching techniques, including clinical techniques associated with overcoming addiction, to move organizations forward effectively. To shorten your journey we provide these resources compiled from our experiences thus far.
Below are links to materials we use at conferences and workshops.
"Interviewing for Change"
(Where your People are and What to do About it)
Chapter 1 – Why is There Resistance to Change?
There are many reasons individuals, as well as groups, are resistant to change. People are often comfortable in their current state, even when that state isn’t considered optimal. Some may even be in a state of destructive behavior, but that might be considered preferable to the unknown. Very often we fear what we don’t know. There may be some recognition that a certain change could lead to a better outcome intellectually, but emotionally we just aren’t prepared for the disruption.
It is important to use the correct coaching technique at the correct time when utilizing the Motivational Interviewing process. Remember that this is a different approach to changing behavior than you may have used before.Chapter 3 – Pre-Contemplation
There is an acronym that is associated with Motivational Interviewing called OARS.
O - Open-ended Questions
A – Affirmations
R – Reflecting Listening
S – Summaries
These are all effective techniques, but can hinder the progress of the coachee if not used at the appropriate time.
In this stage, the coachee is oblivious to a need for change. There has been little to no thought given to changing the current behavior. To people in this stage, their behavior is as it should be. “Everyone else must have a problem, not me,” might be a commonly heard phrase.Chapter 4 – Contemplation
To someone in this stage, change is being considered, but there has been no activity. They may talk about the change, “I need to get my projects done on a more, timely basis”, or “I should lose weight”, etc……Chapter 5 – Preparation
There is a conscious decision to do nothing. The individual decides to think about it a little more before they decide to do anything. The coach needs to keep them talking.
In this stage, there has been a decision made to make a change, but no action yet. The coachee may be making a game plan in this stage. They are trying to decide the best way to go about making the change. There has been little to no action other than planning in this stage. It’s more about, “getting my ducks in a row.” The coach needs to help them remove barriers and build an action plan.Chapter 6 – Action
In this stage, the coachee is actively doing something to change. They are committed and are putting the plan into action. There may be trial and error in this stage. Instead of just talking joining the gym or eating better to lose weight, they are actually doing those things. The coach offers encouragement and helps to monitor the activity.Chapter 7 – Maintenance
This stage is about maintaining the changed behavior, making sure that the correct things are being done to continue the changed behavior. There may be temptations to return to the previous behavior, so slight adjustments should be made as needed. The coach should be there to show empathy as problems come up.Chapter 8 – What Next?
As a coach, we should continue meeting with the coaches as they go through the phases. We must provide a consistent, nonjudgemental outlet for the coachee. As we see an opportunity, we need to interject and shorten the overall cycle as much as we can. First, we need to assess where they are on their journey. Then we need to practice using the OARS to help keep them moving. Go Coach!!!!!